In Texas what are the public schools required to provide for a child with autism? - texas autism
No physical evidence that the child is repeatedly teased on the floor and when the child reported that teachers and the principal said the child to stop lying. The school refuses to provide an assistant or special assistance for the child while also leave you alone in the hallway.
1 comment:
Under IDEA, all the schools of the country receives the federal funds needed to meet the special educational and other special services. This seems to be the case.
If the teachers or the principal to do what you say, I recommend a letter of complaint to the TEA (Texas Education Agency) and the Federal Department of Education. At the same time, a copy of the letter to the director, superintendent, school board member. In such cases, should be addressed.
If not, I would be a lawyer and request a hearing with due process with the school contact to know, why not give the school special education services and to a free public education appropriate to refuse a child, diagnosed with disabilities.
As would Sped teacher in Texas, I say this is not the norm, at least not in the 3 districts I worked in luck.
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